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The land of little joys

The land of little joys


"The land of little joys" is a book aimed at those who love their place of origin, for those who have been absent for short or long periods and felt the need to go back, to those who never abandoned it despite everything, because in it there are only small joys that at least limit the degree of general dissatisfaction of those who live there.These pages are dedicated to those who, like Vittorio and Giuseppe, have always believed in it. To those who have lost their way home, but with a dip in the past, they have found it.An essay that shows cross-sections of profound reality: economy, work and social inequalities intersect with noble feelings such as love and friendship immersed in our land and in our families.A story shared by two special friends, at a particular moment in their life. Their need to express and vent their thoughts and feelings flows into these pages that collect everything about what they are and that represents them, with a general overview of the socio-economic environment that surrounds all of southern Italy.

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