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Understanding the aerodynamics of racing cars with simple examples

Understanding the aerodynamics of racing cars with simple examples

di Alberto Aimar (Autore)

Understanding the aerodynamics of a racing car may seem difficult. Calculations, drawings and simulations: Engineer's stuff. Actually, with the right examples and very simple schemes to follow, through a more practical approach, it is possible to understand how formula cars work even without a technical knowledge. Anyone can learn the rules to use to create great cars and a simple and intuitive explanation is enough to get started. This book has been written for this reason: abandoning for a moment the physical and mathematical equations to assume a more discursive method, using easy examples that are replicable in everyday life. the text wants to explain the physical theories even to those who try to study it for the first time. Once learned the main physical aspects, it will be even more engaging to follow this wonderful sport. You only have to start, to understand that it is possible

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