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Heal yourself and help heal

Heal yourself and help heal

di Satya (Autore)

Psycho-physical-emotional disease is an expression of conflict into our body, heart and Soul.
The Angels, through the messages given by means of the channeling, help us to accept any discordance with peace, to recognize the causes, understand the meaning, discover our ‘Inner Healer’ and the necessary ‘Keys of Light’.
The Angels teach us the ‘Performance’ that leads us to our healing; they transform, create, enable and let us live and become the person we wish to be. Thus, we find out that:
“The Way of Healing is the Way of Love, where the heart walks hand in hand with the Soul to learn ‘flying’.”
The book is part of the following series of books containing the channeling given by the Angels.
Through these messages, the Angels help us to cross the Path to live in harmony and peace with ourselves and the others, and to have a simple and joyful heart, the heart of a happy child.
These books can help you in a Path of growth and development.

1 st book: Your hand in Mine (2 nd edition)
2 nd book: I am beside you
3 rd book: Heal yourself and help heal
4 th book: Helping with Light and Love

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