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Rainwater recovery

Rainwater recovery

di Vahine Taino (Autore)

Traditionally, rainwater has been stored or extracted in large ponds or cisterns below ground. Such tanks are considered to be difficult to store and maintain and not practical in housing applications. Today, however, several businesses build a wider range of options, including residential tanks. Some businesses have also built tanks suitable for holiday and part-time households. Many of these choices involve smaller tanks that can easily be positioned under decks or joists, next to paths or vertically opposite a wall. Together with the lack of space in many urban areas, these modern rainwater tanks make land consciousness homeowners very attractive. Rainwater reservoirs, by comparison, are also a reasonable choice for rural homes, where it is difficult to receive a supply of water from municipal sources. There are many benefits of rainwater harvesting, including protection of land and infrastructure and flood and erosion prevention. It also offers a good alternative for plants and vegetation to chemical treated water.


Vahine Taino
6 pubblicazioni Visita la pagina Autore

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