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The Reading Biblical-Theological of 1 Timothy 2,12 and Acts 18,26 in The Patristic Tradition: The woman's Role in the Church and in The Family with Particular Reference to The Theology Protological

The Reading Biblical-Theological of 1 Timothy 2,12 and Acts 18,26 in The Patristic Tradition: The woman's Role in the Church and in The Family with Particular Reference to The Theology Protological

di Cinzia Randazzo (Autore)

In this contribution the author examines the interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:12 and of the Acts 18,26 in the patristic tradition.
From an analytical reading of the patristic texts, where the aforementioned scriptural passages recur, the author deduces the essential traits, through which the role of the woman in the church and in the family is expressed.

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